Print this coupon and Bring to Palmetto Carriage
This coupon is good for a discount for all adult guests taking a one hour carriage tour of the Charleston, SC historic district. Print out the coupon, fill in the number of adults taking the tour, and bring it to Palmetto Carriage Works to redeem the discount. Carriage tours of the residential area run from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. during daylight savings time and until 4:00 p.m. during winter months. If visitors would like help finding the Big Red Barn or the Palmetto parking area, they are welcome to call (843) 723-8145. A staff member will be happy to talk them in.
**There is an extra charge for guest parking.
Rather Book Now? Take advantage of the carriage tour discount by booking online:
Rather book your reservation with the discount now? BOOK ONLINE HERE. Discount Code: travelingink
Palmetto Carriage Works • 6 Guignard Street, Charleston SC 29401
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