Audra Gibson is a Christian, photographer, surfer, and a lover of teriyaki steak bites. She enjoys live music, doesn't like to be cold, and she's a bit of a cheese snob. Traveling Ink was her little brain child and she's very happy that you're here. She'd be oh so happy to recommend her favorite tours and attractions in town, help you with a team building event, or organize a day (or week) of fun for you and your group.
While many folks are focused on facilitating and enhancing the education of children that are currently out of school, kids aren't the only ones who can take advantage of an opportunity to learn a new skill, hobby, or subject matter at this time. There are a number of online resources available to guide people through learning everything from a new language to how to plant a vegetable garden.
Is there something you've been putting off that you've wanted to learn? Is there a new skill that could enhance your skill set for a current or future job? Perhaps there's an opportunity to tackle those subjects.
Learn to Code
Interested in learning to code? SC Codes offers a number of front end and back end basic courses free of charge. Perhaps once you get started, you'll decide you want to complete a full coding school program.
To access a variety of free online class offerings in health, business, marketing, language, technology, science and other subjects, check out
Traveling Ink has spent hours gathering hopefully helpful information to provide to its visitors regarding Covid 19. That said, there's a disclaimer at the bottom of this website highlighting the fact that Traveling Ink specializes in travel and event planning, not in infectious disease. So why are we pointing it out again here? To make the point that the source of information matters.
There is a lot of incomplete, somewhat misleading, and downright incorrect information online regarding Coronavirus. So, should we turn off our televisions, power down our tablets, or turn our phones off? Not necessarily (though you must make good decisions on what is helpful for you in regard to information overwhelm). Astronaut Chris Hadfield is quoted as saying, “The more you know, the less you fear.” Knowledge can be very powerful, and having the right information may help keep us (and others) safe. But make sure your information is coming from trusted resources.
Traveling Ink recommends the CDC, the World Health Organization, or anything from Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Overview of Covid 19 from the World Health Organization
Image courtesy of CHI St Luke's Health.
Flattening The Curve - Why It's Important
You likely have heard the phrase "flatten the curve" too many times to recount in the past couple of weeks. It's strange how quickly a term that we had no knowledge of a month or two ago, can have such a presence in everyday life currently. For those who are not yet familiar, flattening the curve at it's essence is not about reducing the number of Covid 19 cases, but instead reducing how many confirmed cases arrive at one time, potentially overwhelming our health care system. If we can spread the number of confirmed cases over time (months and seasons instead of weeks), then our health care systems are less likely to run out of beds, personal protective gear, staff, and equipment such as ventilators. If there is less strain on the system, then patients are more likely to get better care.
The video above shows the advantages of social distancing to "flatten the curve". The less we move around, the less direct contact we have with people. The less contact we have, theoretically the less likely we are to come in contact with someone who may be positive for the virus but not showing symptoms yet. Many health professionals and government leaders are urging people to stay at home as much as possible. If you must venture out for groceries or perscriptions, it is advised that we social distance even while in public. Experts are advising people to keep at least 6 feet between them and other people in their environment.
What Does 6 Feet Look Like?
If you are six feet tall, you've got a built in measurement tool. Simply hold your arms out and your "wing span" is approximately six feet also. For those of us who are shorter, or need a visual reference, two large dogs back to back are about six feet in length. The average black bear or horse are also about six feet tall. So just envision a black bear taking a nap between you and the person next to you, and you should be in good shape.
*Traveling Ink cares about the safety of our guests and affiliate partners. While the site will attempt to provide up to date, accurate information, please understand that Covid 19 may cause last minute cancellations or alternative service offerings. We trust our affilate partners to make good safety decisions for guests and team members and stand behind their efforts to make wise choices. Traveling Ink is a Charleston travel and event planning expert, not an infectious disease expert. So, when in doubt, consult the CDC, World Health Organization, or your trusted physician for advisement. Stay safe out there.
Client Testimonials
A Charleston resident suggested a Traveling Ink concierge might be able to help me. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this was one of the best pieces of advice I could have received. My friends thought I was an organizational wizard even though I kept telling them it was Traveling Ink, not me.
~ Nicky H.
We so enjoyed our time in Charleston. Thank you for all your insight! I am recommending your services to everyone I know who is traveling to Charleston!
~Kathryn C.
Traveling Ink planned the three full days we would have in Charleston, how we would get from one place to another, places to eat, and what the costs would be. To add to the challenge, we had to change the day of one of the main attractions because rain had been predicted. They handled all the changes with out missing a step.
~ Harriett H.
These Charleston pros do a phenomenal job in any setting. Audra was our point person and is a pleasure to work with. She is laid back and can work with any request.